China Company Law

What You Need to Know About China’s New Company Law

China’s new Company Law which was passed by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPCSC) of China on 29 December 2023 will take effect on 1 July 2024. The new “Company Law” features a total of 15 chapters and 266 articles. In this Pacific Prime article, we will cover the some of the …

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Health Concierge: What is it and What Are the Benefits?

While having a comprehensive health insurance plan or employee benefits strategy is a good place to start, your benefits can go that much further with the right service and support. That’s why Pacific Prime coordinates with Health Concierge, a healthcare management system that partners with a host of world-class medical facilities and consultants to design …

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Sanya Beach

Holiday Guide: Top Sights and Activities in Sanya

Living in China can leave anyone who grew up going to the beach on holiday or at weekends feeling slightly homesick. For sure, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia have some other-worldly beaches, but they aren’t always convenient (or affordable) to get to for a quick break or a long stay. But don’t worry! Sanya is here …

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Good News for People With Pre-existing Medical Conditions

If you are familiar with insurance, you probably know that the underwriting process for many medical insurance policies can be stringent, and it is common for pre-existing conditions to be excluded from coverage. Are people with pre-existing conditions out of luck with medical insurance? Not at all! In this Pacific Prime article, we’ll introduce a …

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Health Concierge: What is it and What Are the Benefits?

While having a comprehensive health insurance plan or employee benefits strategy is a good place to start, your benefits can go that much further with the right service and support. That’s why Pacific Prime coordinates with Health Concierge, a healthcare management system that partners with a host of world-class medical facilities and consultants to design …

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A view in a city in China

An Expat’s Guide to Medical Emergencies in China

From car accidents to severe food poisoning and heart attacks, medical emergencies can happen to anyone, anytime, and anywhere. As an expat, it’s important that you are aware of how medical emergencies are dealt with in China and how to prepare yourself in case you come across them. Pacific Prime has created this informative guide …

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Mental Health Support for Expats in China

While healthcare is one of the main concerns that foreigners have when traveling or moving to China, mental health is usually given less thought. Expats in China used to go to Hong Kong or return to their home country to get treatment for their mental health issues.  But these days, you can access high-quality healthcare …

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Breastfeeding Complications

Breastfeeding Complications: When to See a Doctor

Breastfeeding has its ups and downs. It could seem like there are more downs than ups in the early days and weeks. It will get better over time, and the key is to be prepared and asking for help when you need it. Nursing is amazingly beneficial, both for mother and baby, but sometimes things …

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husband and wife holding hands on wedding day

An Expat’s Guide to Getting Married in China

Lovebirds in China? If you’re planning to tie the knot, there’s a lot more you need to do than just plan your dream wedding. Between sending out the invites and choosing the perfect venue, there’s a lot you’ll need to prepare. Once you have your documents ready, you can head to the municipal Civil Affairs …

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remuneration package moving to china pacific prime

Expat Remuneration Packages: What Should Families Be Asking For?

Are you starting a new job in China, or have you been working here for a while now? As the saying goes, ‘money isn’t everything’, and it isn’t enough of a reason to uproot one’s family and relocate to an entirely new country. So in comes the “remuneration package”, a number of benefits you receive …

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China business insurance

Do Businesses in China Need Insurance?

China has been a country of near constant change during these past two decades. For the most part, this change has been for the better, and it has vaulted the country of over 1.35 billion from near total poverty into one with the single largest middle class on earth. Primarily because of this change, many …

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Why the ESG Reputation of Your Company Matters

Why the ESG Reputation of Your Company Matters

Recently, amid all the talk about how employees (especially Millennials and Gen Z staffers) are looking for more work-life balance, flexible work schedules, and meaning of work in their selection of employers, another acronym has quietly entered the mainstream – ESG. In this Pacific Prime article, we’ll share with you the ins and outs of …

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PPCN Work from home productive

Coronavirus: making work from home more productive

With Beijing imposing a 14-day self-quarantine on people returning to the city, in an attempt to contain the spreading coronavirus that originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan, many residents might now face a new style of work: home office. For those working from home, waking up in the morning doesn’t mean physically going to …

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Good News for People With Pre-existing Medical Conditions

If you are familiar with insurance, you probably know that the underwriting process for many medical insurance policies can be stringent, and it is common for pre-existing conditions to be excluded from coverage. Are people with pre-existing conditions out of luck with medical insurance? Not at all! In this Pacific Prime article, we’ll introduce a …

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5 sneaky signs of lung cancer

5 Sneaky Signs of Lung Cancer You Should Know

Lung cancer is a pervasive and deadly disease that claims the lives of millions worldwide every year. Early detection plays a crucial role in improving treatment outcomes and survival rates. While some symptoms are obvious, there are also sneaky signs that may go unnoticed. In this article, Pacific Prime will introduce you to the prevalence …

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Happy Buddha: The Health Benefits to Living a Buddhist Lifestyle

Buddhist teachings say one can achieve happiness through physical and mental well-being. Through simple methods such as dietary choices, meditation,exercising, and just maintaining a healthy living environment, achieving happiness as a Buddhist is not outside the realm of possibility. In this article by Pacific Prime, we will be going through tips and tricks to help …

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gray and green wooden building

All You Need to Know About China’s New “Five-star” Card

Take your first step to the journey of a thousand miles as China’s updated version of the permanent resident card Five-star Card will be open for application on December 1, 2023. The card grants benefits in different aspects, including financial activities, to qualified foreigners and their family. If you’re an expat living in China, the …

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Why the ESG Reputation of Your Company Matters

Why the ESG Reputation of Your Company Matters

Recently, amid all the talk about how employees (especially Millennials and Gen Z staffers) are looking for more work-life balance, flexible work schedules, and meaning of work in their selection of employers, another acronym has quietly entered the mainstream – ESG. In this Pacific Prime article, we’ll share with you the ins and outs of …

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Mental Health Awareness in Chinese Schools

Mental Health Awareness in Chinese Schools

Mental health problems are a global issue. The WHO estimates that around 10 to 20% of children worldwide suffer from mental health problems. In China, mental health problems among students are rising at an alarming rate. In this article by Pacific Prime, we’ll identify the common mental health problems among Chinese students, explore the causes, …

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China Company Law

What You Need to Know About China’s New Company Law

China’s new Company Law which was passed by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPCSC) of China on 29 December 2023 will take effect on 1 July 2024. The new “Company Law” features a total of 15 chapters and 266 articles. In this Pacific Prime article, we will cover the some of the …

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China and Thailand sign Visa-Waiver Agreement

China-Thailand Sign A Mutual Visa-Waiver Agreement

On the 28th of January 2024, China and Thailand inked a mutual visa-waiver agreement in Bangkok, Thailand. China’s Foreign Minister Mr. Wang Yi met with Thailand’s Foreign Minister Mr. Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara and came to a consensus after rigorous and continuous communication and negotiation. In this Pacific Prime article, we will explore the China-Thailand visa waiver …

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China Implements 5 New Measures to Facilitate Foreigners’ Entry

On January 11th, The National Immigration Administration of China officially introduced five new measures to help facilitate foreigners entering the country. These new measures aim to address foreigners’ issues in conducting businesses, studying, and traveling. By introducing these new measures, China is one step closer to speeding up its opening up to the outside world. …

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