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Health insurance costs in China highlighted in report

International health insurance premiums in China are relatively spread out, according to the second part of a report on the cost of health insurance, recently published by Pacific Prime.

Posted on May 18, 2015 by Rob McBroom

Pacific Prime is pleased to announce that the second article of a three part report on the cost of health insurance has been released. Titled: The cost of health insurance in top expat destinations, Article 2 takes an expanded look at popular expat destinations and the costs one can expect to pay for international individual health insurance.

Focusing on six locations (China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, the UAE, and the UK) that are popular with expats and companies looking to expand operations, Article 2 has been designed to provide readers with a sound understanding of the range of the cost of health insurance.

In order to establish this understanding, the number of providers has been increased from 6 to 11, with each provider offering three levels of plan:

  • Plan 1 - inpatient coverage
  • Plan 2 - inpatient + outpatient coverage
  • Plan 3 - inpatient + outpatient + maternity coverage

within four demographic segments (Singles, Couples, Families, and Retirees). As such, This part of the report has been segmented by country with costs being further broken down by demographic segment, so as to help the reader quickly find their required information.

Looking at the cost of insurance in China

Article 1 of the report (which can be downloaded here) found that China is the fourth most expensive location for international health insurance - behind Israel, Hong Kong, and the US. Of the locations included in Article 2 however, China is the second most expensive, which, according to our analysis in the report, is to be expected.

A closer look at the different demographics will find that the range of prices for a single plan falls between USD 1,930 at the cheapest, and USD 10,076 at the most expensive. Of course, this range spans all three levels, but it does highlight a wide spread in prices. Couples on the other hand can expect to pay between USD 3,861 and 20,153.

These figures, and the other premiums included in the report, paint an interesting picture for expats and managers considering China. Download Article 2 today for FREE for a deeper look into the premiums for each demographic and plan level, in-depth analysis offering explanations as to why China is so expensive for health insurance, and comparisons of premiums to the other locations in the report.

If you have any questions regarding the report or finding health insurance for you, your family or even your company, please contact one of our experts today.

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