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Pacific Prime保险代理的一些其他的优质的保险产品和保险计划方案.


Home, Life and Business Insurance are also available from Pacific Prime China.

Home Insurance

Our home insurance plans are suitable for all ages, occupations, are annual and guaranteed renewable. We do not calculate your premium based on your nationality or your occupation but instead the premium is dependant on your age and where your family lives. You can relocate to a new country or back home and your overseas health insurance plan can normally go with you as they are not specific to one country.

The health insurance plans are designed for families traveling abroad regularly and expatriate families. We will approach the world's largest insurance companies on your behalf to ensure that you get the most appropriate and cost effective health insurance quote. For a health insurance quote for your family you should contact our advisors at Prime Pacific.

We can include a deductible (excess) to help keep your premium costs low and minimize the policy administration. Policies can be designed to include chronic conditions, maternity, dental, medical evacuation, personal accident cover and numerous other benefits. If you are suffering from a pre-existing medical condition, our health insurance consultants can help you to find the most suitable insurer to extend the coverage to this condition.

For a family plan quote and expert advice please contact our consultants at Prime Pacific.




Life Insurance

How would your family cope in the event of your death? What would you do if you were diagnosed with a terminal illness? A term life insurance plan provides financial support to a policyholder's family in the event of the policyholder's death. If a policyholder should die during this time then the plan will provide a cash benefit. This cash benefit is usually used to help pay for your children's education, food, holidays as well as any bills associated with the death, outstanding mortgage, estate duties, and relief for any beneficiaries that would have been affected by the loss.

A term life policy will provide life protection for a predetermined length of time usually between 5 and 35 years. Term life policies are designed to protect your family and loved ones until such time as they are financially independent. This targeted policy length allows for more flexibility within the plan.

A Term Life plan will only provide monetary reimbursement if the policyholder dies within the predetermined time frame. A Term Life policy will offer no other benefits apart from the stated cash benefit in the event of death; however, some Term life policies are linked to a terminal illness benefit that is usually equal to the amount of the death benefit

It is important to note that premiums associated with term life policies will not fluctuate throughout the course of the plan. These plans are designed to provide a high value low cost level of protection across the policies lifetime. When you decide to buy a term life policy, everything from the type of currency that the premiums are paid in, terminal illness options, and the length of the plan are at your control.

For more information about a term life plan, or to receive a free consultation, please fill out the form below and we'll get back to you.



Business Insurance

Pacific Prime International has developed relationships with the world's largest and most respected insurance providers. These relationships allow our consultants to help administer coverage for employees around the world with three or more group members. Your group may be among others a company, sports club or social club. We can offer premium discounts on global medical insurance and customize your coverage for whichever group you fit into.

The group insurance plans can include deductibles (excess) to keep your premiums low and minimize the plan administration. Our advisors can tailor your group plan to allow employees of different levels to receive alternative benefits and coverage. Your group plan can be customized to include benefits such as dental, maternity, personal accident, medical evacuation and many others.

We can provide expatriates worldwide with a bespoke insurance quote. To receive your quote, simply fill in the group enquiry form and we will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your requirements and quote.

If a member leaves the group, many insurers will allow the individual to change to an individual plan and allow all pre-existing conditions coverage to remain the same. This is a significant advantage for the policy holder.

Group plans generally provide better coverage than individual plans. This is because your group policy can include coverage for pre-existing conditions whereas individual policies generally exclude pre-existing conditions.

If you would like to discuss your group global heath insurance requirements please do not hesitate to contact our expert advisors at Pacific Prime Insurance.


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